What’s the highest converting page on your website? HINT: It’s probably now what you think!

Sure your homepage is important – it connects with your clients, shows that you’re an expert and gives your clients a next action to take.

Your about page is one of the most visited pages on your website – but it’s still not the most important in terms of conversions.

The best chance that you have for converting a visitor into a lead is actually the thank you page!

Not creating custom thank you pages yet?

Here’s why you should.

Imagine this. Someone lands on your website – they’ve searched for your niche or they’ve found you on social media and they’re on the fence about working with you.
You’ve created an irresistible lead magnet that will help them solve their problem.

It’s a no brainer right?

If you’ve made your lead magnet with your dream clients in mind this is an easy opt-in.

Then you show them a thank you message that says check your email.

So they leave.

Sure they’re now signed up to your mailing list but let’s be honest how many times are you emailing them?


You direct them to a secret page that thanks them for downloading, congratulates them on their action and then gives them another action to take….

Say they watch a video where they see your passion for what you do.

You invite them to jump on a call with you and discuss their problem 1:1

You show them your latest webinar that runs through your signature solution and sells them on the program

The more time that someone commits to your website and connecting with you – the more likely they are to buy from you.
It’s psychology.

So what’s the next step to move your client from PROBLEM to SOLUTION?

Want to learn more about what to include on your Thank You Page? Check out the latest episode of Elevate TV below Are you wasting the biggest opportunity to CONVERT Clients Consistently?

Emma Winch is a Conversion Focused Website Designer with a passion for usability, customer focus and brand strategy

Hi, I'm Em!

A website designer and WordPress expert with a passion for helping small businesses launch and grow successfully online and become financially independent.

I help mother hustlers launch client generating websites and become the ultimate authority in their industry so that they can raise their rates, sell out their services book clients consistently.

I also offer a range of conversion designed Wordpress templates and tools to grow your online business.

Emma Winch Conversion Website Expert Morris Bear Designs

hey there!

I’m Em, I build websites that convert clicks into clients. 

If you’re looking to use your website to become the ultimate authority, raise your rates and sell out your service-based business you’re in the right place!

With simple steps, actionable strategies and done for you services Morris Bear Designs is your Business BFF!

Divi WordPress Theme
Double Your Website Leads: The Ultimate Coaching Home Page

the Ultimate Coaching homepage

Double your Website Leads

Making your website work is all a formula.
Taking website visitors from Clicks to Clients shouldnt be rocket surgery (I said what I said) there is a simple, strategic, repeatable process that helps coaches, course creators and digital prodcut sellers create their Fully Booked business and I’d love to share it with you.