What is SEO and why should I care?

what is seo

Welcome to the first installment of #geekspeak! I’ll be explaining in plain English some of the most common website terms that you’re likely to hear when searching for a website designer. It’s my hope that by sharing my knowledge (and my disgust for bamboozling clients!) that you’ll be armed with the knowledge to understand exactly what is in your website design package.

SEO is one saying that I know I use a lot.

So what is SEO?

Put simply SEO is short Search Engine Optimization.

The process of search engine optimization ensures that your website is found by all the major search engines including Google and Yahoo. What use is a gorgeous website design if none of your customers can find you?

There is A LOT of aspects involved within optimizing your website design and learning every single one would take quite a long time!

So we’re going to take it but by bit! Firstly how can you optimize individual pages on your website?

The graphic below shows the data that you can complete to help search engines out. Here’s the kicker though… You need to stop thinking like the owner of your business and start thinking like your dream customer.

(Haven’t worked out who your dream customer is yet? Check out this post here!)

As the owner of your business, you know the ins and outs of what you do and you’ll commonly use technical terms and jargon. But how does your customer search for you? Do they use the same language? Are you part of a wider industry?

For example, I work with a lot of graphic designers and develop their websites. While a graphic designer might go looking for a website developer a lot of my end clients don’t realize there is a difference between a website designer and a website developer. Did you? Read up about what makes us different here!

So for my terms, I will use website designer instead of website developer as it gives me a more direct audience.

For retail stores, this can be brands that your store stocks, individual products or local-based products.

For service businesses, this could be the result your clients are hoping to achieve, your local area, individual services or specialties that you offer.

What would be the search terms your customers would be looking for? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. 

Until next time,


Emma Winch Conversion Website Expert Morris Bear Designs

hey there!

I’m Em, I build websites that convert clicks into clients. 

If you’re looking to use your website to become the ultimate authority, raise your rates and sell out your service-based business you’re in the right place!

With simple steps, actionable strategies and done for you services Morris Bear Designs is your Business BFF!

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Making your website work is all a formula.
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