How to Get More Coaching Clients: 5 Simple Steps to Update Your Website Today

With so much competition online getting new coaching clients in the door can be tricky, to say the least but with the help of your website, you can update and improve your homepage and overall website to focus on get more coaching clients – without spending thousands on paid advertising.

A lot of online businesses miss these crucial steps in turning a stranger on the internet into a paying client and its the main reason that 4 out of 5 online businesses fail.

You see no one actually wants to buy your product or service. Sorry, they don’t.

They don’t care about your sales page or your Instagram aesthetic.

They want to solve their problems.

If you can help with that you’re in with a shot but you still need to convince them you can do it better than your competitors.

On your coaching website, specifically your homepage, you get one shot to do this.

And roughly 6 seconds to hold their attention.

RELATED: Download The Ultimate Homepage Guide for over 50 more conversion-boosting tips to up your website game.

So while I’ve got your attention let’s take a look at 5 Must-Have Features for your website to ensure you get more coaching clients.

Your Bankable Brand Statement – the why I should give a damn sentence that hits your potential coaching clients straight in the feels.

This is where knowing your clients intimately – including their frustrations, struggles, and dream outcomes is crucial. You see if you can show that you know what they actually want out of the work that you do, you can make an instant connection and you’ve just boosted your 6-second attention window. That’s our aim here show them that there is more to your service than how you deliver it.

5 must have homepage secrets to get more coaching clients
Gabby Bernstein has an incredible Bankable Brand Statement – who doesn’t want to be the happiest person you know? Website credit Gabby Bernstein

Social Proof – the stuff that makes you look legit online and gives your visitors a sense of relief.

Back to that part where someone doesn’t actually want to buy your thing – they also don’t trust you. One of the quickest ways to get more coaching clients, is to show you already have them and they are happy. They’ve been sold all of the quick fixes and scams on the internet and they’re tired. They are wary of marketing. And they do not want to be sold. Having other people recommend you is the fastest way to overcome this. Word of mouth has built businesses for years and it’s still 100% valid today.

5 ways to get more coaching clients from your website
Come on, who doesn’t want to hang out with someone who hangs out with Richard Branson, Brene Brown and Oprah – Marie Forleo nails social proof in a BIG way. Website Credit Marie Forleo

Searchable Content – the stuff that actually gets you found on the internet.

In a world of expensive Facebook ads and never-ending subscription payments, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO for short) is the nerdy younger brother that you never noticed until he grew up and got hot.

While the bad boy (paid advertising) may have been attractive in the beginning you’re getting tired of his fickle ways and you’re sick of paying for dinner. SEO on the other hand is the art of giving people what they are looking for and getting known for it.

I love creating video and blog content for this aspect but having searchable content on your homepage is a MUST. Typically you will want anywhere between 300 – 800 words on your homepage that tell Google (and that other one) what your business is and who it should send your way.

RELATED: Watch my free SEO Masterclass to help boost your searchable content and get found by your ideal coaching clients.

Sure a wall of text with 300 – 800 words shouldn’t be appealing but consider breaking up your searchable content with bullet points and making it all about your visitors. Website credit Morris Bear Designs

Next steps – actually telling the people what to do next… yup tell your visitors where to go!

You know your stuff really well, we don’t know your stuff as well. Your visitors need you to guide them by hand and show them the next step to working with you. This can change from website to website so getting clear on your client journey is super important.

If you know what it takes to communicate your value with coaching clients you can insert yourself into their lives and help them with their problems <- note I didn’t say slide into their inbox and hit them with 100 sales in 1 minute.

This is ethical marketing – if you show people that you can help them with their problems you will naturally get more coaching clients. If they aren’t confident in your ability or your reputation they will hold off (go back to social proof for helping this!)

Female Entrepreneur Association nails this by giving their visitors multiple next steps and resources that will help them move through their journey – note they’re still not “selling” anything they’re giving value first. Website credit Female Entrepreneur Association

Audience Amplification – automate the seven interactions your business needs to make an impact (and sales)

Think 100 visitors will make you 100 sales? I’m sorry to break it to you but most of your visitors won’t buy from you on their first visit. Now that I’ve crushed your spirit let’s talk about how you can automate your follow-up (without giving all your money to Facebook for retargeting ads) and that starts with a bribe.

In exchange for their email address, you give your visitor the first step of their journey to fixing their problem for free.

This can be anything that will actually help them – an e-book, a video, a guide, a workbook, or an exercise that they can complete quickly and have it make a difference in their life. Go back and think about that client journey if you need help figuring out what to offer. This freebie allows you to communicate with your visitors after they’ve left your website and invite them back for more.

Boost this by setting up an automatic sequence after they’ve received their freebie and guide them through that journey as you do so.

RELATED: Create your own Client Generating Funnel in ONE night – without tech stress, overwhelm and crying into your chardonnay.

The queen of list building, Amy Porterfield, nails this with the first steps to all of her programs listed on her homepage. Website credit Amy Porterfield.

Including one or more of these elements on your coaching website will significantly improve your conversion rates on your website and will get you more clients but they are just the start.

Want to know the 50+ conversion factors that you can use throughout your website to create clients on demand? Download The Ultimate Homepage Guide today.

The Ultimate Homepage for Coaches - What to include on your website to get more coaching clients
The Ultimate Homepage for Coaches – What to include on your website to get more coaching clients
Emma Winch Conversion Website Expert Morris Bear Designs

hey there!

I’m Em, I build websites that convert clicks into clients. 

If you’re looking to use your website to become the ultimate authority, raise your rates and sell out your service-based business you’re in the right place!

With simple steps, actionable strategies and done for you services Morris Bear Designs is your Business BFF!

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Double Your Website Leads: The Ultimate Coaching Home Page

the Ultimate Coaching homepage

Double your Website Leads

Making your website work is all a formula.
Taking website visitors from Clicks to Clients shouldnt be rocket surgery (I said what I said) there is a simple, strategic, repeatable process that helps coaches, course creators and digital prodcut sellers create their Fully Booked business and I’d love to share it with you.