Client Resources
I want to say a massive thank you for choosing Morris Bear for your website project. This page has been created to provide my clients with a little extra support on the journey of building your online business.
On this page, you’ll find tips and tricks to working with WordPress, blogging with WordPress and much more.
If you require additional help the following tutorials and information will be of great help. However, if you get stuck feel free to email me at [email protected]
Maintaining your WordPress Website…
Your website has now been uploaded to your hosting account. If you have not received your hosting account welcome details please contact me directly as it is a good idea to keep this file handy to make support and upgrades simple.
Your WordPress website is constantly evolving behind the scenes and you will notice that there are reminders to update various plugins and the core WordPress files. It is a good idea to keep these up to date and backed up as the most common updates are compatibility and also security.
In order to update your website, it is important to backup before progressing. In the video below you will see how simple it is to backup your website. (Note: if anything nasty happens to your website having an up to date backup will decrease the stress and costs to rebuild your website.)
If you require urgent assistance with your website please contact me directly at: [email protected]
Divi Theme Tutorials
Help, something is wrong with my website…
You can email me directly at [email protected] this email address is monitored outside of business hours and will be sent directly to me. If your website is within 30 days of launching you have maintenance hours included in your package.
If you require maintenance on your website after this period there may be a charge for updates or fixes. My hourly fee is $110 however you will be provided with a full quote before progressing with any work.